Monday, December 28, 2009—Be Heard. Be Happy.—Be Heard. Be Happy.

Free Sample of Splenda

You can go here and you get to choose your free sample. You can get 2 packets of Splenda no calorie sweetner with Fiber, 2 packets of Splendas flavors for coffee in Hazelnut, or 2 packets of Spendas flavors for coffee in Mocha. I sent in for the Mocha yum!

Wal Mart Clearance Deals

Wal Mart has alot of shirts on sale for $4-$5 on clearance. They have alot of cheap underwear,flip flops and baby items on sale also. You can go here and check out all the things they have on sale right now to find the shirts just select to sort from Lowest to Highest price. And of course make sure you use CashBaq or Shop At Home to make it an even sweeter Deal.